Friday, 11 January 2013

Beautiful Blue Mountains Portrait Shoot

Late last year we spent a lovely evening photographing this big and beautiful family at a splendid lookout in Wentworth Falls.


An aside on taking group portraits
On a photographic note for those taking their own large group shots, the received wisdom is to take one shot for every group member, plus one more. This is to take into account that there is no possible way everyone will be looking at the camera, not wincing/blinking/scowling/ moving if you only take one or two shots. My two tips in this regard would be:
1: Use the formula above.... and then take a few more for good measure
2: Don't take the shots as fast as your camera will allow i.e. not just in one hold of the button with your shooting mode set on "continuous". If you do rely on that quick burst of shots that might mean with some fast cameras that the whole lot of shots is taken in a second or two- leaving Aunty Mabel no time to recover from her sneeze or for that pesky toddler to get their finger out of their nose!!

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